Write a short introduction of what you intend to achieve with this post:
"In this post I am going to research how media theories can be applied to Media texts, especially in brief 1. This way I can look at which media theories I can use in my own production.
TASK 3 - Choose 3 different media texts... as long as they link to the brief you've chosen.
How is media theory used in these 3 media products and how these make the text appealing to an intended audience?
Laura Mulvey – male gaze/female gaze. It suggests the female form is objectified in a range of media.
Angela McRobbie – post feminist icon theory suggesting female character are determined, strong, independent and in control but also utilize their sexuality e.g. Lara Croft, Lady Gaga…
TASK 4 - Write a short conclusion about what you got out of undertaking this research and how you intend to use it in your chosen brief... try to be as detailed as possible.
I found out about the media theories that can be presented on a magazine.
"In this post I am going to research how media theories can be applied to Media texts, especially in brief 1. This way I can look at which media theories I can use in my own production.
TASK 3 - Choose 3 different media texts... as long as they link to the brief you've chosen.
How is media theory used in these 3 media products and how these make the text appealing to an intended audience?
Laura Mulvey – male gaze/female gaze. It suggests the female form is objectified in a range of media.
TASK 4 - Write a short conclusion about what you got out of undertaking this research and how you intend to use it in your chosen brief... try to be as detailed as possible.
I found out about the media theories that can be presented on a magazine.
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