

TASK 2 - Write a short introduction to the post describing what you intend to achieve.  You may use the sentence at the start of the post to help you come with your own intro.

In this task I am going to identify the actors/models that i'm going to use in my products. I will be assessing the suitability of each actor.


TASK 3 - Create a profile for each of your models/actors including the following information:

Name of actor/model

What makes this person suitable? Why did you choose this person?
I chose to photograph my dog because i would be able to take photos of him at any time and my magazine is about dogs. He does tricks and agility which make taking photos of him suitable for my magazine

What could make this person unsuitable?
He is a dog and doesn't understand the whole english language so it could be hard to ask him to stay in a pose.


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