
Showing posts from March, 2019


Write a short introduction of what you intend to achieve with this post: "In this post I am going to research how media theories can be applied to Media texts, especially in brief 1.  This way I can look at which media theories I can use in my own production. ------------------- TASK 3 - Choose 3 different media texts... as long as they link to the brief you've chosen. How is media theory used in these 3 media products and how these make the text appealing to an intended audience?   Laura Mulvey   – male gaze/female gaze. It suggests the female form is objectified in a range of media.     Angela McRobbie – post feminist icon theory suggesting female character are determined, strong, independent and in control but also utilize their sexuality e.g. Lara Croft, Lady Gaga… -------------------- TASK 4 - Write a short conclusion about what you got out of undertaking this research and how you intend to use it in your chosen brief... try to be...


Intertextuality simply means creating one text in reference to another.   Intertextuality can also happen when the content of one media text makes reference to another. Intertextuality is not always obvious. References can only be recognised if you know what  they are referring to.  There are also cultural, social and linguistic limitations --------------- TASK 2 - WRITE A SHORT INTRODUCTION EXPLAINING WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO DO IN THIS TASK. In this task i'm going to look at intertextuality in media products.  ---------------- TASK 3  – Choose 3 different media texts... as long as they link to the brief you've chosen.   How and why is intertextuality employed in 2 media products and what effect does this have in their intended audience? Tip... when writing about audience effect you need to include information on type of audiences.  Children may recognise a film thats mentioned in a piece of writing, for example penguins ...

Media Language and Representations Analysis

Post 1 –  How is media language used in 2 media products to create meaning through constructing representations and following genre conventions? The best way to answer this is by looking at the representations first, then look at how media language is used to create them... What type of shot/music are they using? What connotations do the colours they use have? What does the set represent the time and place of the situation? What does the make-up and hair used say about the characters/models? What does the body language say about the attitudes of the characters/models used? What connotations can the type of lighting used in the shot/scenes have? How does it help create representation? Instructions: If you chose to do Brief 1: Choose TWO front covers and TWO double spread articles from educational magazines. You should be prepared to analyse the distinctive media language elements appropriate to the brief chosen, listed below: Magazines: Layout Typography Use of...

NEA briefs

LEARNING OBJECTIVES K: The requirements for each of the briefs set by OCR. U: How to approach the chosen brief, including writing the statement of intent. BAT: Choose a brief and start planning what to write in the statement of intent. CO: Use media terminology (all areas of the theoretical framework) in your written and verbal communication. ---------------------------------  Read through the brief and select ONE... write a short paragraph as why you chose it.  Make sure you include the following information in your explanation as well: - What skills do you already have that can help you produce your chosen media texts? - What skills do you intend to develop whilst working on your media texts? Be specific about the skills - don't just write "Photoshop skills", make reference to specific skills from Photoshop that you either know or want to develop. Make sure you choose your brief well, read ALL the information and requirements to make sure you fully unde...